Points Based Immigration


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Points Based Skilled Immigration Advice

In 2025, call or email our UK Visa Advisers and Lawyers for a Consultation or specialist and experienced assistance your Points Based System Immigration application for UK Settlement (Permanent Residence)! Schedule a meeting for advice at our offices in Parramatta, Sydney, Australia and Singapore and Hong Kong.

Routes to apply for Points Based Immigration System

1. Skilled Worker Route - Applicant has a job offer from a Home Office licensed sponsor, at the appropriate salary level.

2. Global Talent Route - This Route has opened to EU citizens on the same basis as non-EU citizens. This means the most highly skilled, who can achieve the required level of points, will be able to enter the UK without a job offer if they are endorsed under the Global Talent Visa by a recognised UK body, as approved by the Home Office.

3. Graduate Route - The Graduate Visa will be available to international students who have completed a degree in the UK from summer 2021. This will enable international students to remain in the UK and work at any skill level for two years after they have completed their studies or three years if they have completed a Phd. It will be an unsponsored route.

4. Intra-Company Transfer - The ICT route allows multinational organisations to facilitate temporary moves into the UK for key business personnel through their subsidiary branches, subject to compliance with ICT sponsorship requirements.

5. Start-up and Innovator - These routes are designed to attract entrepreneurial talent and innovative, scalable business ideas to the UK.

6. Health and Care Visa - The Health and Care Visa is part of the Skilled Worker route. It allows applicants to come to the UK to work if they are working in eligible health occupations, with a job offer from the NHS.

7. Creative route - This route is for applicants in the creative industry, with a Job offer, who are entering the United Kingdom for short-term contracts or engagements for up to 12 months.

8. Sporting routes - International sportspeople must have a confirmed job offer and their employment sponsored by a UK employer licenced by the Home Office. Note that a new International Sportsperson visa route for professional athletes coming to work in the United Kingdom will launch on 11 October 2021. Obtaining immigration permission under the route is still a two-stage process: 1. Obtain a governing body endorsement (GBE) from the governing body for the relevant sport; and 2. Apply for entry clearance or permission to stay under the International Sportsperson visa route.

9. Seasonal Workers Pilot - The Seasonal Workers Pilot is currently running until the end of 2021 enabling the recruitment of a limited number of temporary workers for specific roles in the horticultural sector.

10. Youth Mobility Scheme - The UK has arrangements in place with eight countries and territories to enable around 20,000 young people to come to the UK to work and travel each year. Applicants must be 18 to 30 years old and can stay up to two years.

Eligibility - Skilled Worker Route - Points Based Immigration System

The new Points Based Immigration System system was introduced on 1 January 2021, and now EU and non-EU citizens will be treated equally. The UK Home Office will reduce overall levels of migration and give high priority to those with the highest skills and the greatest talents: scientists, engineers, academics and other highly-skilled workers.

The Skilled Worker Visa has replaced the Tier 2 (General) work visa. To be eligible to apply for the Points Based Immigration System, as a Skilled Worker, you must score a total of 70 points in the Points test. Note that a number of the Points test characteristics are tradeable (not mandatory). See the Points Based System Characteristics and Points score below:

Salary and Skills Threshold

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) recommendation on salary thresholds, including to lower the general salary threshold from £30,000 to £25,600. Note the following:

  • Salary 'Going Rate' - Applicants will still be required to be paid the higher of the specific salary threshold for their occupation, known as the going rate, and the general salary threshold
  • Trade Characteristics - Applicants will be able to trade characteristics such as their specific job offer and qualifications against a lower salary
  • New Entrants - Requirements for new entrants will be fixed at 30% lower than the rate for experienced workers in any occupation and only use the base salary (and not the allowances or pension contributions) to determine whether the salary threshold is met
  • No Regional Salary Thresholds - In accordance with the MAC's recommendations, the Home Office will not introduce regional salary thresholds or different arrangements for different parts of the UK
  • No Cap and No Labour Testing - The Home Office will suspend the cap on the number of people who can apply under the skilled worker route and remove the resident labour market test