French Citizenship by Descent - Nationality


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In 2025, get in touch with VisaConnect's Advisers and our French Citizenship Lawyers, just send us an email, our complete the website form. Schedule a meeting at our offices in Parramatta, Sydney, Australia and Singapore and Hong Kong for assistance with your French Citizenship by Descent application, and evidence of French Ancestry!

Advantages of French Nationality

The advantages of acquiring French Citizenship and a French Passport are:

  • Multiple entry in and out of France, with a Valid French Passport
  • EU Freedom of Movement
  • Visa-free access to 194 countries around the world, as per the Henley Passport Index, in 2024. The French passport is ranked as the equal 1st strongest Passport in the world.
  • Live, Work and Vote in France on a Permanent basis, and can Live and Work in other EU Countries
  • Access to all Government offered State Social Support including: Pensions, Subsidies, Free or Preferential Health care
  • Discounted Education Costs
  • Work as a Public Servant and stand in Parliamentary, Senatorial or Presidential elections
  • Serve in the French Armed Forces

Child Born in France - Eligibility for French Nationality

A Child born in France to Parents who are foreigners can obtain French Nationality, provided that the Child meets one of the criteria below:

  1. 1. At least one of her parents was born in France (regardless of nationality), Or at least one of his parents was born in Algeria before 3 July 1962.
  2. 2. Aged 13 - 15 years, born in France, and usually resides in France since 8 years.
  3. 3. Aged 16- 17 years, born in France and had their habitual residence in France for a period of time continuous or discontinuous at least 5 years since age 11
  4. 4. Aged 18 years, born in France, and had their habitual residence in France for a period of time continuous or discontinuous at least 5 years since age 11

French Citizenship by Descent - Child Born Overseas

A Child is eligible for French Citizenship by Descent or Attribution by Descent or 'Jus Sanguines', if:

  1. 1. At least 1 of his Parents is French, regardless of whether the child is born in France or outside France.
  2. 2. Whether the Parents were married or not, does not matter, provided that the child's filiation is legally established in respect of the French parent.
  3. 3. The Nationality of a parent is established the day of birth of the child and during his minority.
  4. 4. If the parent loses French nationality while its child is a major, then this has no effect on the child's nationality.

French Nationality by Marriage

To acquire French nationality by marriage declaration, the Applicant must meet all the eligibility criteria below:

  • Your spouse must be a French national, on the day of your marriage.
  • Your spouse must have retained French nationality, since the date of your marriage.
  • If your wedding was celebrated overseas, then it must have been transcribed to the French Civil registration system.
  • You must have a valid residence permit at the time of filing your application, unless you are a national of countries of the EEA or you are Swiss.
  • You live together materially and emotionally, with your spouse.
  • No Criminal convictions.
  • You must show evidence of a sufficient knowledge of the French language.

Apply for Certificate of French Nationality

To apply for a Certificate of French Nationality, you need to provide these documents:

  • Your Passport
  • Proof of Residency, such as a recent household bill
  • Birth certificate copy that shows the parent-child connection to the French parent
  • Parent's or Grandparents' birth certificate
  • Documentation that proves your Parent or Parents are French citizens. For example, National Identity card, Passport, Consular Registration card, Certificate of Nationality, Military booklet, Voter card
  • Marriage certificate of your Parents, but if they are not married, a copy of the document recognizing and establishing parentage
  • Application is usually submitted in Person, unless the applicant cannot travel due to specific reasons

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a FREE Citizenship Assessment?

Yes, our Consultants can assess your eligibility for French Citizenship with a FREE evaluation.

What is French Citizenship by Filiation (CNF)?

French Citizenship by Filiation (CNF) is French Citizenship by Ancestry, where you prove that you are a descendant of a French citizen, who has lived overseas for less than 50 years, and your French descendant has maintained their French Citizenship.  

What exactly are the services provided by the French Lawyers?

Assistance with these legal services:

  • Preparation of all Civil status certificates from your French Ancestors

  • Assistance with Notarising, Apostille and translation of documents into the French language, and evaluation of the documents

  • Assistance in obtaining documents regarding your French Ancestors

  • Review of all Naturalisation and Immigration records

  • Submission of Citizenship application forms and supporting evidence to the French Government office

What is the Citizenship process time?

Between 6 - 24 months, from the date of submission of the application, until the decision is made.

What is the French Government application fee?

As at 2025, the procedure to request a Citizenship by Ancestry (CNF) is free of charge and is processed by the French Court.