Family Immigration to Australia

Australian Visa and Immigration Advice FAMILY MIGRATION - AUSTRALIA

Table of Contents

Family Migration Advice

VisaConnect's Consultants can assist and advise with Family migration applications, including Parent, Partner and Child visas for Permanent residency, in Australia. Our Registered Migration Agents and Immigration Lawyers are experienced and ethical. We can assist clients in our offices in Parramatta, Sydney, Australia and Singapore and Hong Kong. In addition, we can advise clients worldwide, with a fast and efficient Consultation by Telephone or Zoom Video call, where we advise you about:

  • Family Visa assessment
  • Eligibility criteria and Visa process regarding the Parent, Partner, Fiancé, Child visa process
  • Advice regarding evidentiary documents including Relationship documents, including relationship statements
  • Advice regarding Statutory declarations from Witnesses supporting your partner relationship
  • Advice regarding evidence of a relationship
  • Advice regarding Assurance of Support
  • Assistance with Character certificate applications
  • Referral for Medical examination and Chest x ray and advice about how to undergo health checks
  • Visa Processing time guidance
  • Information about the Government Visa fee and Migration Agent / Lawyers fees for complete visa application assistance

In 2025, contact VisaConnect's Australian Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents for advice and assistance with your Family migration - Fiancé, Partner visa, Parent visa, Child visa application for Australian permanent residence!

Partner (Provisional) 309 Visa, and Partner (Migrant) 100 Visa

The Partner visa 309 is a visa application for partners of an Australian citizen or permanent resident, which allows you to live in Australia. After about 2 years, you can apply for the Partner Migrant visa 100 to obtain Australian permanent residence.

Partner visa - Eligibility Criteria

A. Age - usually must be 18 years or older.

B. Relationship - You are the married spouse or De facto partner of an Australian citizen or resident. The relationship is genuine and continuing. You would need to provide factual evidence of your relationship, including joint or combined matters, such as joint bank accounts, joint bills, photos together and joint social interests. In addition, you and your partner/sponsor would need to prepare Statements about your relationship and friends and family would be required to prepare statutory declarations confirming that your relationship is genuine. Evidence of your de facto relationships can be provided with the following documents:

1. Personal Statements

  • how, when and where you first met
  • how the relationship developed
  • when you moved in together, got engaged or married
  • what you do together
  • time you spent apart
  • significant events in the relationship
  • your plans for the future

2. Finances

  • joint mortgage or lease documents
  • joint loan documents for major assets like homes, cars or major appliances
  • joint bank account statements
  • household bills in both names

3. Your household

  • a statement about how you share housework
  • household bills in both names
  • mail or emails addressed to you both
  • documents that show joint responsibility for children
  • documents that prove your living arrangements

4. Social matters

  • joint invitations or evidence you go out together
  • proof you have friends in common
  • proof you have told government, public or commercial bodies about your relationship
  • proof you do joint sporting, cultural or social activities together
  • proof you travel together

5. Commitment

  • proof you have knowledge of each other’s background, family situation or other personal details. You could tell us this at an interview
  • proof you have combined your personal matters
  • the terms of your wills
  • proof you stay in touch when apart

C. Live together - You live together with your spouse.

D. Sponsor - Aged 18 years or older, and an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and meets the character requirement. Also, the Sponsor has obligations to provide accommodation and financial assistance to their partner for 2 years after arriving in Australia.

E. Health and Character - You meet the health and character requirements and have no debts to the Australian government.

Prospective Marriage (Fiancé) - 300 Visa

The Prospective Marriage visa allows a partner to travel to Australia and marry their Australian citizen or resident partner. See the visa eligibility criteria:

  • Aged 18 years or older, and you must be engaged to marry your Australian sponsor.
  • Apply for the visa from outside Australia. You must marry the sponsor after your first entry to Australia, within 9 months of the visa being granted.
  • Provide proof of a genuine intention to marry the fiance; within nine months from the date the visa was granted.
  • The Applicant and Fiancé must have met and are personally known to each other.
  • The Sponsor must be 18 years or older, an Australian citizen or resident and meet the character requirement.

Child Visa, Subclass 101

The Child visa allows a child born outside Australia to be sponsored by their parent who is either an Australian citizen or permanent resident. The Child can be a Biological child, Adopted child or Stepchild (from a former partner).

  • A Child means a natural child, stepchild or adopted child of a sponsor, usually under 18 years of age, and single.
  • The Child must have no Partner, and be either under 18 years of age or over 18 years and under 25 years and studying full time or over 18 years with a disability.
  • The visa application must be in the 'Best interests of the ', under 18 years of age.
  • The Child must have consent to migrate to Australia from everyone who can legally decide where the Child lives, and the laws of their country of residence allow them to leave their home country.
  • The Child must meet health requirements and the parents must comply with character requirements.

Contributory Parent 143 Visa and Contributory Parent (Temporary) 173 Visa

The Contributory parent visa allows a child, who is an Australian citizen or resident, to sponsor their parents, if they meet the eligibility criteria:

  • At least half of your children live permanently in Australia.
  • More of your children live permanently in Australia than in any other country.

1. Balance of Family test - This test measures your ties to Australia. You meet this requirement if either:

2. Child is Settled - The Child is settled in Australia, which means they have been living in Australia for 2 years.

3. Assurance of Support - The Child who is the Sponsor must sign an Assurance of Support which is a commitment to provide their parents with financial support, so that they will not have to rely on social welfare payments.

4. Health and Character - The Parents must meet the health and character requirements and have no debts to the Australian government.

5. Visa Fees - Parents are prepared to pay high visa charges for fast processing and as a means of contributing towards any future medical expenses that they may incur.

Sponsored Parent (Temporary) - Subclass 870 Visa

The 870 Visa is a Temporary visa that allows Parents to visit Australia for long periods of time to re-unite with their children. The Parents cannot apply for Permanent residence in Australia and this visa is usually intended for Parents that are not eligible for the Contributory parent or Parent Permanent visas.

1. Stay in Australia - Parents can stay for 3 or 5 years duration each time.

2. Renew 870 Visa - Parents can re-apply for further Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visas to visit up to a cumulative maximum period of 10 years in Australia.

3. Sponsorship - Parents must have an approved Parent Sponsor to apply for this visa. Note that the sponsor’s household is limited to one sponsorship at a time.

4. Processing Times and Costs - Current processing times in 2021 are 5 - 9 months. Visa Application Fees are $5,090 AUD for 3 Years or $10,180 AUD for up to 5 Years, as at September 2021.

Orphan Relative - 117 Visa

The Orphan Relative is for a child under 18 years of age who has no parent to care for them. An Orphan Relative 117 visa is for a child whose parents are dead, permanently incapacitated or of unknown whereabouts. The Sponsor must be a relative, who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and meet the character requirement.

Adoption 102 Visa

The Adoption category allows a child under 18 years of age to live permanently in Australia, where the child has been adopted or is in the process of being adopted by their sponsor.

The Adoption visa must be in the 'Best interests of the child'. The sponsor must provide documentary evidence of the Adoption overseas, which complies with the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption or a bilateral arrangement between Australia and another country. In addition, the Sponsoring parent must meet the character requirement, and confirm their obligations to provide financial support and accommodation for the adopted child, in Australia.

Dependent Child - 445 Visa

This category is for the natural child, adopted child or stepchild of the holder of a provisional Partner visa, which does not already include the child. Once the parent's permanent partner visa is granted, the child can apply to be added to their parent's permanent Partner visa application.

Aged Dependent Relative - 114 Visa

This visa is meant for older people, (old enough to receive an Australian pension) to move to Australia if they rely on a close eligible relative in Australia to provide financial support. The Applicant must be wholly or substantially dependent on relative for financial support, for at least three years prior to application.

Remaining Relative - 115 Visa

  • You have no close family ties outside of Australia. Your only near relatives (brother, sister, child or step equivalent) are living in Australia as permanent residents.
  • The' sponsor is an Australian citizen or permanent resident, 18 years or older, settled in Australia, and agree to provide financial support and accommodation to their relative.
  • The applicant has no more than three near relatives residing overseas of which the applicant had no recent contact.

Carer 116 Visa

The Carer applicant must be willing and able to give substantial, continuing assistance to an Australian relative (or a member of their family unit) who has a medical condition that impairs their ability to attend to the practical aspects of daily life.

The relative's need for assistance is likely to continue for at least two years, and they cannot reasonably obtain assistance from other relatives or from welfare or hospital services in Australia.

The relative cannot reasonably obtain assistance from other relatives or from welfare or hospital services in Australia. The relative needing care is an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and the relative has undertaken a medical assessment.

Office Address and Telephone - VisaConnect Australia

Contact VisaConnect's Consultants at our Sydney, NSW, Australia office below:

VisaConnect Sydney
Suite 19, 103 George Street
NSW 2150

Telephone: (+61) 2 9151 7350